Links to 2024 ALN Statements
2024-12-26. Patrick Poon Yomiuri Article: "Overlooking China’s Tyranny Endangers Japan’s Security; Suppression of Hong Kong Democracy Leaves No One Safe"
2024-01-18. Arnon Nampa Statement: "Arnon Nampa’s Latest Conviction under the Lèse-Majesté Law in Thailand Emphasizes that the Law Remains a Significant Threat against Activists and Rights Lawyers in 2024"
2024-02-02. China UPR 4 Report: "ALN's Observations and Analysis of China's 4th UPR Review in Relation to Lawyers' Rights"
2024-02-19. Hong Kong Article 23 Legislation Joint Statement: "Over 80 organisations sign joint statement on the Hong Kong Government’s Consultation for Article 23 Legislation"
2024-02-23. Protecting Lawyers in Philippines Statement: "More must be done in the Philippines to Prevent Attacks on Lawyers"
2024-04-14. Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan Joint Statement: "China: Immediately release human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and activist Xu Yan"
2024-04-26. Report on the Hong Kong SNSO Impact on Lawyers: "A Legal Analysis of Hong Kong’s New Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and What it Means for Lawyers"
2024-05-30. Statement Protesting Nguyen Van Binh's Arbitrary Arrest: "ALN protests the arbitrary arrest of Nguyen Van Binh in Vietnam Following His Advocacy for Labor Rights Reforms"
2024-07-05. Dauletmurat Tajimuratov Statement: "ALN Protests the Continued Arbitrary Detention of Dauletmurat Tajimuratov"
2024-07-19. Selina Cheng Open Letter: "Open letter urging WSJ’s explanation for dismissing HKJA chair Selina Cheng"
2024-07-22. Joint Statement to Harvard University: "Joint Statement: 206 Groups Call Upon Harvard to Respond to Concerns About Transnational Repression"
2024-07-30. Hejaaz Hizbullah Statement: "ALN Protests the Continued Arbitrary Detention of Lawyer and Anti-Discrimination Activist Hejaaz Hizbullah in Sri Lanka"
2024-08-19. Lord Neuberger Joint Letter: "45 civil society organisations urge Lord Neuberger to resign from Hong Kong Court"
2024-10-16. Report on the Bangladesh Transition and Lawyers: "An Overview of Bangladesh’s Transitional Process and the Role of Lawyers in it"
2024-10-21. Lu Siwei Joint Letter: "Joint Letter: Re: Arrest and Detention of Lawyer – Lu Siwei"
2024-11-01. Yu Wensheng and Xu Yan Joint Statement: "Joint Statement on the sentencing of Chinese human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife Xu Yan"
2024-11-21. Xu Zhiyong Joint Statement: "Joint statement on lawyer Xu Zhiyong’s hunger strike over inhumane treatment in Lunan prison, China"
2024-12-04. Dong Yuyu Urgent Statement: "Urgent Message from Japan on Mr. Dong Yuyu's Prison Sentence"